Diane & Glenn

Q & A
For all our friends and family who have lots of questions, please check out our Q & A first!
When is the RSVP deadline?
We appreciate that the RSVP date on the original wedding invitations have now passed, could you please RSVP as soon as possible.
Thank you
Are kids welcome?
We have our own children and our niece and nephew for the day, however in general, children are not invited.
What time should I arrive?
Please arrive between 11:15pm and 11:30pm at the latest.
Where should I park?
If you decide to drive then there is a car park outside the venue
What should I wear?
As long as you are photo ready and party ready that is all we ask.
Whom should I call with questions?
Please message: Diane: 07703790640 or Glenn: 07598338651
Saturday, August 6, 2022