Andrea & Dirk

We can't wait to share our special day with you!

Friday June 2, 2023

Quiaios, Portugal

652 days 4 hrs 47 mins ago


Friday, June 2, 2023

Ceremony and Reception

5:00 PM to 3:00 AM

We're getting married! We'd like to share a few words with everyone. Dinner, drinks, and dancing to follow!

Gate open at 17h to start with the reception of guests.

Dress Code

Formal clothes and a jacket for the night, as the nights are usually cooler

Travel & Accommodation


Weather forecast

Temperatures can vary between 18°C ​​and 30°C; sunny weather with little wind so wear a jacket for the night, as the nights are usually cooler


Getting In

You have options to Lisbon and Porto. We recommend Lisbon as it normally has more flights available per day.


Táxis Morgado, Praça 8 de Maio, Figueira da Foz, Portugal

Taxi service in the wedding area, but possible to use them for the airport too.

Hotel Product

QH Praia de Quiaios, Quiaios, Portugal

This is where we are having our rooms block, with a limited number of rooms available at a 10% discount. Please specify you are coming for a wedding in "Casa da praia" to get the discount. Write to


We Surf House

A space where those who chose to visit it would find a family environment, where contact with the mountain and the sea conveyed peace and tranquility, away from confusion and daily bustle. Families cooking on the garden barbecue, children running along the grass, extended surf wetsuits on the balconies, a sunset seen from the rooftop with a glass of gin in hand and a viola to the sound of the stars.

Hotel Product

Eurostars Oasis Plaza, Avenida Brasil, Figueira da Foz, Portugal

Located in Figueira da Foz

Hotel Product

Hotel Sweet Atlantic SPA, Avenida 25 de Abril, Figueira da Foz, Portugal

Hotel Product

Malibu Foz Hotel, Rua de "Os Lusíadas, Figueira da Foz, Portugal


Our Favorite Restaurants


Things to do in Coimbra and Figueira da Foz

Bullet Point Empty

Bullet Point Empty

Mondego's Verde Park - Coimbra

Bullet Point Empty

Bullet Point Empty

Bullet Point Empty

Bullet Point Empty

Bullet Point Empty

Bullet Point Empty


Booking Assistant - Find Hotels Near Our Venue

Suggested Stay:

Thu, June 01 - Sun, June 04

Quiaios, Portugal


Q & A

For all our friends and family who have lots of questions, please check out our Q & A first!

When is the RSVP deadline?

Please RSVP by May 2nd, so we can have an accurate headcount. :)

Where should I park?

There is plenty of free parking in the area surrounding Casa da Praia

What will the weather be like?

Temperatures can vary between 18°C ​​and 30°C; sunny weather with little wind

What should I wear?

Please see our Schedule for the dress code.

Is the wedding indoors or outdoors?

Our wedding ceremony is outdoors, but our reception will be indoor :)

Is it okay to take pictures with our phones and cameras during the wedding?

Yes! We would love for you to take photos and share them on our app Joy.
However, please refrain from taking photos during the ceremony.

Will you have babysitters on the premises?

We will have a playground room with someone available to check on the kids.

Whom should I call with questions?

Please contact Andrea or Dirk via email or phone
Andrea (+351 962 975269 //
Dirk (+32 496 516146 //

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