Saturday January 7, 2023
Manorbier Castle, Pembrokshire, Wales.
808 days 13 hrs 52 mins ago
Why now?
We know it's a crazy idea to get married as we've been together for more than 30 years. But apart from wanting a damn good party with our friends and families, we do have another reason.
Some of you may know that we lost Ant's mum Sheila, just before Christmas, after a battle with cancer. Since then we've been trying to gather the George family together so we can inter her ashes alongside her husband, in Leicestershire. Ant's sister lives in America and his brother in Australia so getting them and their families all into the UK at the same time is a rare occasion. So we thought while we have everyone together in one place, we could also get married?
Why have a January wedding, in a castle in Wales?
Early January is the only time we can get the George clan together and over to the UK. We love West Wales, Nicola's family lives a few miles outside of Manorbier (near Tenby) and Ant's Mum and Dad lived in the married quarters in Manorbier's army barracks in the 60s. So this place has special meaning to both of us.
Presence not presents
We don't want any gifts as we realise most people will have to travel. Instead, we'd rather you come to the castle and celebrate with us.
It's not a usual wedding
We are not fans of formal weddings so apart from a simple ceremony in the castle's rustic chapel, everything else will be very low-key and relaxed with plenty of food and drink, good music and dancing. How often do you have exclusive use of a medieval castle for a whole weekend to party?
Where can we stay?
There are a few places to stay in Manorbier village which is within walking distance of the castle. There is also the Castlemead Hotel right next door to the Castle which still has rooms available.
Getting there by car
Getting there by train. No longer an option due to strikes on the 6th and 7th of Jan
Things to do in Pembrokeshire
Car sharing
If you have spare room in a car and are willing to bring people from your city let us know and we'll put you in touch with people looking for lifts.
If you think you'll need a lift, let us know and we'll sort out car sharing.
If you are coming from Bristol and we can't find you a car to share, we'll try to sort out some other transport (if we get enough requests).
Q & A
For all our friends and family who have questions.
When is the RSVP deadline?
Please RSVP by October 30th 2022, so we can have a rough headcount for food. :)
Can I bring a +1?
Please check your invite for your +1!
Are kids welcome?
We don't mind kids coming however, please let us know so we can gauge numbers and if we need to provide some fun stuff for them to do.
What will the weather be like?
It's Wales in January, probably cold and wet so dress appropriately. The 'party room' has a log burner to keep us warm whilst we're dancing.
Where should I park?
There is plenty of free parking near the secret entrance to the castle.
What should I wear?
Casual, colourful, warm and booted. Heels are not advised.
Is the wedding indoors or outdoors?
Our wedding ceremony is in the chapel part of the castle. The rest of the castle will be open to explore. The dancing will be in the crypt!
Is it okay to take pictures with our phones and cameras during the wedding?
Yes! We would love for you to take photos and share them with us.
Whom should I call with questions?
Nicola (Myth): 07456 888998 -
Tone (Legend): 07977 900495 -
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