Our Story is as unique as our personalities. We have shared this story with a select few, but now we have a chance to share it with all our friends and family. The foundation to a lasting relationship is to be each other's best friend, which is precisely how this story begins. We first met back in 2012 at a graduation party for a mutual friend, and from that point on our friendship began to blossom. Throughout the years we were there for each other as good friends to give our support whenever needed. Whether it was listening about a difficult moment in our lives, or supporting each other after a failed relationship; we were always there for one another. Without realizing what was happening we both began to see each other in a different light ( although this happened faster for one than the other). Fast forward to just a few years ago, and it was undeniable the interest was there.. although the timing was just not quite right yet. Finally, with all doubts and fears set aside and little bit of an accidental slip of the tongue; all the cards were out on the table and we both knew how we felt. From that day forward we decide to "test the waters" and see where it would take us. Those words quickly led us to this very moment, where we are prepared to share vows amongst Friends, Family & and most importantly, Jehovah.
How did you first meet?
See Our Story!
Who made the first move? How?
She did, She started to drop subtle hints during our conversations... until she realized that subtle wasn't getting the point across.
Who's going to take out the trash?
He will. but she will cheer him on, all the way to the trash bin.
What was your most memorable date?
When we went to the Science Museum. It was the first time out together in a setting other than at a friends house for a movie night.
What's your favorite activity together?
Watching movies together.
Where are you going for your honeymoon?
Disneyland in California.
What's the best meal you have eaten together?
homemade Lasagna.
What's the most memorable trip you have taken together?
none yet, but there are many planned for the years to come.
We’re on the same page about
What's important to us. And that's spending time with the people we love most. (You all!)
The dorkiest thing about us is
we mutually embrace each others dorkiness
Teach us something about
how to make a marriage last throughout the years.
We take pride in
our relationship with Jehovah
Who is older?
He is.
Who has more sibblings?
He does.
Who is the Better driver?
"but did you die?"
who has been in more accidents
He has.
Who studied the hardest in school? who had the better grades?
he studied hard, but she had the better grades
who is Smarter
He is.
Who is more creative?
both... in our unique ways.
Who is better at keeping surprises?
she is.
Who will be doing the cooking?
We'll share the responsibility.
Who's more adventurous?
He is.
Who is More likely to get injured?
he is.
Who is more likely to be running late?
We run on Cuban time.
who's the better dresser?
neither of us are a piece of furniture!
Who said " I love you" first?
He did.
Who spends more money?
He does.
Who controls the remote?
He does, but she picks the channel.
Who will most likely wake up grumpy?
She does.
Who is most likely to get lost? who would ask for directions?
she would, we ask google.
Wedding Party
Celina Manterola
Matron of Honor
Joshua Manterola
Soni Rodriguez
Maid of Honor
Jean-Pierre Santiago
Best Man
Arlene Mayen
Joshua Domena
Hannah Santiago
Evan Vazquez
Zachery Vitale
Jeanette Vitale
Jessica Meneses
Jennifer Dana
Polly(paullette) Perdomo
Elvis Perdomo
Kerry-ann Polanco
Kalel Santiago
Ring Bearer
Your presence is enough of a present to us! But for those of you who are stubborn, we've put together a wish-list to help you out.
Q & A
For all our friends and family who have lots of questions, please check out our Q & A first!
Whom should I call with questions?
Please call our lovely Matron of honor Celina with any questions at 786-547-0359.
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