Lawrence & Fi

We can't wait to share our day with you.

Tuesday August 31, 2021

Hamps Hall & Barn, Rocester Lane, Waterhouses, ST10 3JG

1300 days 5 hrs 30 mins ago


I was the Holiday Forum Theme Leader, and Fi was the incredibly attractive member of the Steering Group who absolutely "got" what I was on about. On the last night, she came and found me as I was heading for bed, and asked me to come and have a drink with the Steering Group. I thought she was merely being polite; it wasn't until the third time of asking that I realised she was serious. We ended up talking together until 4.30 am... and we haven't finished the conversation!

He proposed to me on Holy Island (Lindisfarne) during a break in the wind and rain. He got down on one knee and I was instantly blubbing happy tears. Just as he got to the bit where he was about to ask me if I'd marry him, my phone rang. It was an alarm from three days ago to remind me to take the lasagne out of the oven! "I'm so sorry! Where were you? Carry on ..." I said. So he got to the point - and I said yes. Happy days!


How did you first meet?

See Our Story!

What was your most memorable date?

Fi's birthday last year: we were staying in Conwy, Wales - the day started with a rib boat ride in the Menai Straits, followed by mussels for lunch in the harbour restaurant. Then we spent the afternoon riding the train up Mount Snowdon, finishing the day with a BBQ on the beach at sunset. Magic :)

What's your favorite activity together?

Riding our motorbikes, playing tennis, watching good movies and going to gigs.

Where are you going for your honeymoon?

We haven't decided yet. It needs to be somewhere romantic and warm. At the moment, Italy is looking promising ...

What's the most memorable trip you have taken together?

Visiting Lawrence's mum in Cape Town.


Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Arrive at Hamps Hall

2:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Grab a drink, play some games, relax and mingle before the main event.

Wedding Blessing

4:00 PM

This is what we're here for!
Blessing held in the field... if you're allergic to hay, straw or lavender, please let us know!

Dress Code

Celebratory/country festival vibe! As smart or casual as you like.

Confetti and Photos

5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Reception and Dinner

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Reception and delicious grub from Amanda and her food truck, Eric.
Please bring your own booze - we'll provide glasses and champagne for toasting.
Speeches and cake around 7pm.


8:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Dancing, chilling around the fire pit, socialising.
Please BYOB - we'll have plenty of glasses/cups for everyone.



It'll be August Bank Holiday and we'll be in the beautiful Peak District - please make your arrangements as soon as possible for the best rates and availability.


Houseparty Guests

Bang smack in the middle of the country - there are plenty of ways to get to Hamps Hall. Please car share or use public transport where possible.

Hotel Product

Accommodation for Wedding Day Guests

Premier Inn Leek, Travel Lodge Ashbourne, plus BnBs/Air BnBs galore.
Local camping spots too if that's your thing.


Booking Assistant - Find Hotels Near Our Venue

Suggested Stay:

Mon, August 30 - Wed, September 01

Hamps Hall and Hamps Barn, Rocester Lane, Waterfall, Waterhouses ST10 3JG, UK


Q & A

For all our friends and family who have lots of questions, please check out our Q & A first!

When is the RSVP deadline?

Please RSVP by 1st February, particularly houseparty guests.

Can I bring a date?

Please check your invite for your +1.
If it's your name only, it's just you - anyone else named is invited!

What will the weather be like?

You're obviously not from the UK. If you were, you'd know it could be sunny, raining, snowing or blowing a gale, depending on what time of the day you're asking about! Ideally, though, it will be a lovely, warm summer's day, with temperatures in the low 20s.

Where should I park?

If you're part of the houseparty, you'll be directed to parking on arrival on Monday from 4pm.

There is no onsite parking for day guests on 31 August. Wedding day guests need to park near the Premier Inn in Leek (Ashbourne Road, Leek, ST13 5AS), where you'll be picked up by a coach at 2.00pm, and taken to the ceremony. It's a short coach ride (approx. 15 mins) and you'll arrive in time to have a drink, make yourselves at home and play some games before the ceremony at .
You will be brought back to the Premier Inn for 11pm.

Are the ceremony and reception locations wheelchair accessible?

Yes. The ceremony will be held in a field (weather permitting); it is wheelchair accessible, although the state of the road will make it a bumpy ride!

What should I wear?

The vibe is country/festival, so anything that is comfortable, memorable and celebratory and that you'll enjoy wearing. If there's anyone who likes to dress to fit the theme, the wedding theme is lavender.

Is the wedding indoors or outdoors?

A mixture! Our wedding ceremony is outdoors, our reception will be determined by the weather, and the party will be indoors.

What kind of shoes should/shouldn't I wear?

The ceremony is being held in a field, and we have no idea what the state of the ground will be. Dress to impress, but bring a spare pair for the after-party!

Is it okay to take pictures with our phones and cameras during the wedding?

Yes! Although there'll be an official photographer for most of the day, we'd love for you to take photos and share them on our mobile app - Joy. Hopefully, you'll download that and use it to access our site and keep abreast of development and news. You'll see it has the facility for guests to upload and share their photos, so go shutter-mad!
However, please refrain from taking photos during the ceremony.

Whom should I call with questions?

Please call Lawrence (07813 842202) or Fi (0791 3817988)

Wedding Party


Wedding co-ordinator


Maid of Honour


Best Man

















Fortunately, we already have everything that we need for our home. What we're short of is cash to make the wedding house party the warm, relaxed and memorable celebration we'd love it to be!

We’re committed to doing it as ethically and sustainably as possible. That includes food production, serving and disposal, as well as things like decorations, gifts and confetti.

We're also hoping to afford to go on honeymoon to Italy.

So we’re very grateful for any contribution of whatever size towards that. See you at Hamps Hall!

Get the app

Download Joy and join our app using our event handle lawrenceandfi. View and share photos and stay up-to-date with details on the go.