As most know Sally and I worked together at Nielsen. We had been friends for three years before I started pursuing her. I had always liked her but never had the courage to ask her out. It was through grief that spurned me on to seize the day, Carpe Diem if you will. The loss of my grandmother made me realise that life is over in a flash and all we have is memories. I wanted to create memories with a person who gave me butterflies every time I saw them, someone who would be my best friend and soulmate in life and there was no question in my mind that person was always Sally.
How did you first meet?
See Our Story!
Who made the first move? How?
Tom. A few times! (As Sally kept saying no!)
What was your most memorable date?
Bourton-on-the-Water when we we visited Bird Land (Tom has an obsession with penguins)
What's your favorite activity together?
Cooking a meal together on a Saturday evening.......with a few G&T's!
Where are you going for your honeymoon?
We will be having a mini-moon in the Costwolds at our favourite hotel and then planning a main honeymoon in 2022/3
What's the most memorable trip you have taken together?
Our tour of Japan, where this photo was taken and lots of sake was consumed!
Friday, September 24, 2021
Pre-Wedding Run
8:00 AM
Please join the bride for a pre-wedding run around the village and surrounding area. The route will be no longer than 4 miles and will be at a relaxed pace. Depending on the weather parts of the run may be off-road so new trainers are not recommended!
All runners are to meet outside the church on Mill Lane (near the library) for a prompt start at 8.00am.
Contact Sally for further details.
Comfortable clothing and trainers
Wedding Ceremony
2:30 PM
Dress to impress!
Wedding Reception
3:45 PM to 12:00 AM
Time to celebrate and party until midnight. Bring your dancing shoes!
You will find Dovecote on the Aynho Road on the outskirts of Adderbury, close to Banbury and the M40 motorway. It is a five minute drive from the Church. You will need to take the turning marked “Bo Peep Farm”. There is ample parking on site and there is a manned secure gate at the entrance to the venue.
Cars may be left overnight but must be collected the next morning between 8am and 11am.
Dress to impress!
Please do not feel obliged to buy us a gift, we are more than happy just for you to join us on the day. If however you do wish to buy us something, then a contribution towards our honeymoon would be greatfully received. You can do so by clicking on the link below.
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