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Editing Time Zones For Your Schedule
Updated over 6 months ago

Ahoy, fellow time zone adventurers! Now, if you're keeping your event in one place, you can stop reading after the next paragraph. But if your wedding dreams involve far-off lands (Fiji? Bahamas? Canada?), fasten your seatbelt – we're diving into time zones.

When you create your website, we'll prompt you to pick a location. This automatically adjusts your countdown timer and Schedule to the right time zone. If this is your final location decision, you're all set. But, if your wedding plans switch gears after your initial Joy wedding creation, no problemo. You just need to tweak both the location and time zone on your Settings Page and your schedule to ensure everything's in sync.

Changing the time zone on the Event Settings page

  • Click on the "Menu" button (hamburger icon) from the admin dashboard.

  • Click on "Event Settings."

  • Scroll down to 'Time Zone' under 'Event Info.'

Changing the time zone for each event on your schedule

  • Navigate to the Schedule page from "Edit Pages" on your admin dashboard.

  • Click on an event.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the event page to find 'Event Time Zone' under 'Date and Time.'

  • Pro Tip: You'll need to change the time zone for each event on your Schedule Page taking place in that time zone.

When it comes to picking a time zone, think cities, not the fancy lingo. Imagine you're all about Boston – aim for "United States, New York" (yup, that's US EST). Rocking it in Seattle? Go for "United States, Los Angeles."

Quick heads-up: adjusting time zones for each event might feel like a puzzle, and we're sorry for any extra steps. But it's a must if you're hosting pre-wedding parties in one location before taking everyone to your ultimate wedding adventure.

And if that adventure leads you to Fiji, the Joy team might just hop on a plane for a beachside hello.

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