When setting up your cash fund, you have the choice of where you'd like to receive contributions: PayPal, Venmo, or the Square Cash app.
If you don't already have one, you can create a PayPal.me link here. For those of you in the United States, you can also create a Venmo account here or a Square Cash account here.
And don't worry if you're feeling a bit lost, we'll guide you through the process. It's so easy, even your pet goldfish could do it (if they had an account, of course)! ๐๐
On PayPal, click on in the top right Settings Icon, Log in, if needed.
Youโll see your username next to the PayPal.me/ link. Only use the username after the / . Joy will create a PayPal.me link for you.
For Venmo, first open up your app on your mobile phone. Tap on the avatar on the top left. That will open up a preview showing your name and username below.
For Cash App, first open up your app on your mobile phone. Tap on the avatar on the top right. That will open up your profile showing your name and username below.
Still have some questions?
Ask us directly! Click on the black and white chat bubble in the bottom-right corner of this page to ask us your questions, or you can email us at support@withjoy.com. Youโll get a friendly response from someone on our team! ๐