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Importing and Exporting Your Guest List
Updated yesterday

Do you have your guest list all neatly organized in a spreadsheet? You can import it straight into Joy! If you've already started adding guests in Joy, don't fret – importing a list will simply add to your existing list, not replace it - it's like adding extra toppings to your pizza, not replacing the whole pie.

Importing Large Guest Lists
You can import up to 250 guests at a time. If your guest list is larger than that, simply break it into two (or more) imports.

Step 1: Prep Your Spreadsheet

Joy's all set to work its magic, but it needs a little help. Your spreadsheet needs to be in a specific format to import. We have a Google Sheets template you can start with or use as a reference.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Starting in the first column the column headings must match the template (as seen above) and cannot be changed.

    1. These column headers are required for the spreadsheet to import.

    2. If you are missing one column or they are out of order, the import will fail.

  • Each guest must be listed in their own row. If you'd like to refer to a guest by their household name (ie, The Porter Family), use the Name on Envelope Column.

  • All columns not marked with "(Optional)" are required.

  • Please use the Country dropdown or reference the Country Names List tab. Abbreviated versions of country names may not be cataloged properly.

  • No symbols are allowed in first names and last names.

  • The "Party" column will group people on different rows into the same party, which is helpful for families or couples RSVPing together.

Parties and plus ones

To group guests as parties, enter the same party value, such as “The Smiths”, for each guest in the party. Joy will automatically group these guests as a party in your guest list. This means when you send out eCards, everyone in the party will be addressed on the eCards and one person can RSVP for everyone in the group.

The party can be named anything you want, such as “The Smiths”, or “Joe P and guest” or “Mary W and family”. This value won’t be visible in Joy; it’s just used to group your guests together under the hood.

Guests can also be grouped into parties or assigned Plus Ones after they are uploaded. Simply follow the directions in this article.

Step 2: Save your file as a CSV

After you've set up your guest list's format, save it as a CSV file. CSV stands for "Comma-separated values," a widely used format that's compatible with Excel, Google Sheets, and Numbers. Joy can read this format.

  • From Excel: File > Save as … > Save as type > CSV

  • From Google Sheets: File > Download > Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet)

  • From Numbers: File > Export to… > CSV…

Step 3: Import with a Click

You're nearly there! Ready to watch Joy work its magic? Here's how to import your CSV file:

From Guest List or Contact Collector:

  • Head to your admin dashboard and click Guest List.

  • Click 'Add Guests' in the upper right corner.

  • Select 'Import Guest List.'

  • You'll be redirected to your Contact Collector page, where you can upload your spreadsheet.

Please note that you may need to enable your contact collector link first by clicking "Create Magic Link" to see the import dialog.

  • Find your CSV file and let Joy do the rest.

From Stationery Recipient Address Selector

If you're adding guests for your Save the Dates, wedding invitations, or other stationery during the card editing process, upload your spreadsheet by clicking "Upload Spreadsheet" from your card recipients editor screen.

Simply follow the prompts to upload your spreadsheet, and your guests will be ready to select for your envelopes.

Voila! Your guests are now part of your Joy guest list. Time to send out those Save the Dates and Invitations and make some magical memories!

Exporting Your Guest List

Need to take the guest list show on the road (ie send it to your caterer)? You can export it too:

  • To export all guests, hit "Export All Guests" in the toolbar.

  • For selected guests, choose them first and then click "Export Selection."

The exported list lands as a CSV file on your computer, ready to rock with Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers. Happy planning! 🎉

Still have some questions?

Ask us directly! Click on the black and white chat bubble in the bottom-right corner of this page to ask us your questions, or you can email us at You’ll get a friendly response from someone on our team!

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