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All CollectionsWedding RegistryRegistry FAQs
Registry Frequently Asked Questions
Registry Frequently Asked Questions

Finds some comfort in knowing other couples have asked similar questions.

Updated over 2 months ago

Registry Features

How do I transfer my funds from the Joy Wallet?

  • Head over to your Track Tab on your registry page.

  • Scroll down to the Joy Wallet.

  • Any funds available to you will appear under "Total Balance"

  • Click "Transfer" and follow the prompts to finish up!

Transfers to your bank or debit card from your Stripe balance are typically delivered within 3-5 business days. Just make sure you're signed into your Joy account with the Owner email for this capability!

Help is always here for you. If you experience any issues in the transfer process, let our support team know!

Someone sent us money but we haven't gotten it yet...?

Don't worry, we'll find it together! Depending on how your guest sent the funding will determine where to look.

Credit Card:

It can take up to 3 business days for a payment to process. Once the payment is cleared, you'll see it in your Available Balance. If the payment is processing for more than three business days, just let our support team know!

PayPal, CashApp, Venmo:

You may see a contribution listed as "Reserved" or "Purchased" using PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo but may not have received the funding in your linked account. Joy will send your guest to the payment platform but the guest has to complete the transaction there.

If you haven't received the funding, send your guest a polite reminder email.

Please Note: Joy is not affiliated with PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App and we do not have internal specifics on their policies.


Old School... I like it! This option allows guests to either mail you cash/check or hand-deliver this to you at your event. We show them your listed shipment address at the time of purchase if they want to mail this to you.

When can I use the Completion Discount

The day after your event date, the discount is available to you! We'll show you any items that this discount can be applied to for an easy checkout experience. The discount is available for 6 months after your event date.

How to use:

  • Head over to your registry Manage page

  • Click "View Discount"

  • A list will pop up of all items available for purchase

  • Click "Buy Now" to checkout

I'm outside the US, can I use the Joy Wallet?

As of now, the Joy Wallet is only available to couples residing within the US.

Are there any fees when using Joy Cash Funds?

Depending on your payment method for Cash Funds will determine the fees associated.

Credit Card:

  • Gift-givers will notice a 2.5% per contribution fee applied to each contribution. This fee goes to Stripe for the cost of a transaction.

  • When you transfer your Stripe balance to your bank or debit card, you will notice a $1.70 flat transfer fee. This fee goes to Stripe, which is seamlessly integrated with your financial institution.

PayPal/ CashApp/ Venmo:

  • PayPal offers complimentary standard transfers to your bank account and Instant Transfers. Fees are determined by PayPal's Policy. PayPal also has conversion fees for international transactions.

  • Venmo provides complimentary standard transfers to your bank account, and Instant Transfers are an option. Fees are determined by Venmo's Policy.

  • Cash App delivers standard deposits to your bank account and Instant Deposits to your linked debit card. Fees are determined by CashApp's Policy.

Always check each platform's fee details for the latest information.

Please Note: Joy is not affiliated with PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App and we do not have internal specifics on their policies. For further details on international accounts, currency exchange fees, and general information, please click here for Paypal, here for Venmo, and here for Cash App.

Order Management

How can I cancel an order?

An order may be canceled if the order hasn’t shipped yet. Reach out to for one of our agents to help! Please provide us with the Order Number you're looking to cancel, more information is better!

This process is time-sensitive, and our team will work to help as quickly as we can. Depending on the status of the order will determine the cancellation capabilities.

What do I do if my gift is Out Of Stock

Joy will keep you updated on item availability as soon as we know. Depending on the item status, we'll communicate these updates a bit differently.

Here are some common examples:

Delay Shipping is on, and I got an email that one of my gifts is not available.

The delay ship feature allows you to hold gifts until you're ready to receive them. Once you click "Ship Now" if the item is unavailable, we'll email you to let you know. You can either:

  • Wait for the item to come back in stock and click "Ship Now" periodically to check in

  • Receive the item value in Store Credit to purchase something similar

  • Refund the purchaser the item value

Just respond to the email and let our team know which option you'd like to go with, we'll let you know when the request is processed.

The item wasn't purchased, but we got an email saying it was not available.

Once a customer clicks on an item and views the out-of-stock label, we'll let you know so you can either register to receive cash equivalent or replace the item with something similar.

When will I receive my order?

We're processing and shipping with care! Items leave the warehouse in 3-5 business days, and transit time is another 3-7 days via ground shipping.

Our system will update the order status in your Track tab as soon as you have updates. If your order has exceeded the processing and shipment time with no updates, contact our team!

Where can I find the order number?

Your order information will live in your Track tab. Just head over there and locate the purchaser's name. Click on the name, and you'll find any/all order information available to you, including the order number.

Shipping & Handling

My order has the wrong shipping address

Our team can make adjustments to orders, granted they haven't entered the shipment process.

Reach out to our team with the Order Number and updated shipping address. We'll evaluate the item status and try our best to update this information as soon as possible!

Does Joy ship outside the US?

At this time, our Joy Shop is only available to couples residing within the continental US.

Can my guests ship to themselves?

If the options are there, why not!!

Since there are a few ways couples can add gifts to their site, it opens the world of shipment options. Here's the scoop:

Joy Shop Items:

Gift-givers can ship items to themselves if the option presents itself. The majority of Joy Shop items have flexible shipping options, meaning the guests can opt to ship to themselves at checkout.

Other Retailers:

We don't have any say in the shipment policy or options from retailers outside of Joy. If you've linked any items to other retailers, we'll direct your guests there to checkout, where they can enter the desired shipment address in checkout.

Still have some questions?

Ask us directly! Click on the black and white chat bubble in the bottom-right corner of this page to ask us your questions, or you can email us at You’ll get a friendly response from someone on our team! 🙂

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