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Group Gifting... and How Does it Work?

Weddings are all about sharing the love! Why not share the gift giving options too!

Updated over 6 months ago

Joy offers a few ways to group gift an item you've been eyeing for awhile... Here's how to get started!

Group Gifts from the Joy Shop

Within the Joy Shop you can grab any item valued $350 or more and turn it into a group gift. Just search the item you're looking for and click "Add to Registry":

Now our gift is added to the registry, head over to the manage page, and click into the item we want to make a group gift. Select "Edit Gift". From there, we'll want to check the Group Gift box to get this enabled.

Now comes the final step: Payment Settings. This payment setting you select will be the payment option the guest is able to use. Currently group gifts allow payment to be made via PayPal, Cash App, or Venmo. Just drop your username and click Save! Bam! We have a Group Gift!

Group Gift a Manually Added Item

Let's group gift!! Grab an item you're looking to add from any site, just make sure it's valued over $350. We'll want to manually add the item to the registry and save it. You can check out more on how to manually add gifts here.

Once we save our new item, head over to the Manage Registry page, click into the item and click "Edit Gift". We'll then want to click the group gift option

Et voila! We have a gift everyone can add to!

What if the gift we want to group gift is under $350??

We know everyone has different ways to curate their registry and maybe you want guests to be able to contribute to a gift under the Joy Shop limit. No worries, we've got you covered! A great workaround is creating a cash fund....

Just head over to your registry manage page, click "New Gift"

Select "Add Cash Fund"

Joy lets you customize your cash funds to your liking โ€“ which is perfect for a group gift! Change the name, image, note, and amount. You decide how you want guests to see this. To learn more about cash funds, check out this great help article here.
Once you get all your customizing in, just add your payment platform info in, and save your gift!

Don't have an account yet? No worries, you can create a PayPal.Me link right here. If you and your crew are hanging out in the U.S., you can also snag Venmo here or Square Cash here. And if you're scratching your head about your username, our trusty instructions are here.

Please Note: Joy is not affiliated with PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App. We do not make money from any cash gifts and we do not have internal specifics on their policies. For further details on international accounts, currency exchange fees and general information, please click here for Paypal, here for Venmo, and here for Cash App.

Still have some questions?

Ask us directly! Click on the black and white chat bubble in the bottom-right corner of this page to ask us your questions, or you can email us at Youโ€™ll get a friendly response from someone on our team! ๐Ÿ™‚

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