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Joy Proposal Story: Kelly & David

by Kelsey Vickers

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

It was at the beautiful Kirby Cove beach in Sausalito, with a picturesque view of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco. One of our favorite views of the city. David had taken me to San Francisco for a day of fun where he was going to impress me with his planning skills (who doesn’t love a good planner?). We started with breakfast in one of our old neighborhoods and then proceeded to the Legion of Honor to soak in some culture. David had missed my last visit (apparently because he was picking out a ring!) so I figured he wanted to make up for the fact that he had missed it the first time. We wandered around the museum and then went on to visit some of our favorite places in the city. David kept saying we had somewhere to be but wouldn’t tell me where. We ended up swinging through Golden Gate Park when I asked if we had time to stop for ice cream. He looked at his watch and said, “Nope, we gotta go!” I finally was able to pry out of him that we were headed to the beach at Kirby Cove for some wine and cheese. As we sat in traffic on the Golden Gate bridge I could see he was visibly stressed which was odd I thought, we had no rush!

Carol Duncan

When we got off the bridge and started to look for parking I thought he was going to have a heart attack because we couldn’t find a spot. To try and calm the situation I said we could just go somewhere else but he was adamant, it had to be Kirby Cove. We finally found a spot about a half mile away from the start of the trail to Kirby Cove and started to walk down. I was a little annoyed because he had told me to wear something “nice” which certainly did not end up being hiking gear. He kept apologizing and saying in the future he would be more detailed about our plans. From the start of the trail, it’s about a mile walk down to the ocean. David was keeping a brisk pace and I was starting to wonder what the rush was to get down there so quickly! I started enjoying the walk and taking photos but David’s sweaty palms starting making me suspicious. David walked us down to the beach for what I thought was a picnic date, we had brought wine and cheese, but when we arrived I saw in the distance both our family’s sitting on a blanket. He walked me to the water and proposed in front of the people who mean the most to us. They took photos, and we sipped champagne to celebrate! He flew his parents in from New Hampshire and had been planning this day for months with help from my younger sister. Everyone was in on the surprise. It was the perfect day, in the perfect place, with the perfect people!

Carol Duncan

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Figuring out how to make it our own and putting our special touches on the day to express who we are as a couple.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

We booked our venue 14 months before the wedding. Having time to enjoy the process and not rush decisions has been a blessing and a curse for us indecisive people!

Carol Duncan

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

The layout is so different than other wedding websites and every question we have had has been addressed right away! I love how we can send save the dates and invitations, and organize all of our guests and RSVPs!

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

I ask a lot of questions! Chat with the employees, they will guide you and help you along the whole process!

Carol Duncan

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

A wedding is just one day, your love and relationship will be forever. Joy is what you will have for the rest of your life together.

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