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Joy Proposal Story: Kyle & Brooke

by Kelsey Vickers

How did the two of you meet?

Kyle and I met through mutual friends in Newport and were acquaintances for about a year before there was any interest. Kyle started to more consistently be with my group of friends as we would have religious “bachelor night” gatherings. The more time Kyle and I spent together we began to realize how much we had in common, one thing is we have the same exact birthday! It was just a matter of time until sparks flew as he subtly pursued me. In the beginning, I appreciated the time we hung out in groups and then the group began to dwindle down as he made efforts to hang out with me more intentionally. I remember how much fun we had, just plain and simple fun.

“I very quickly had the realization that there was no quenching this flame.”

Neither of us felt like we had anything to prove to each other, nor did we take ourselves too seriously. I remember our first day-date, I didn’t wear an ounce of makeup and I felt so secure that he accepted me just as I was. There were no masks, no facades, we were the most raw versions of ourselves when we were together. We would take mini trips to LA, long day dates, and weekend treks to see new places. I very quickly had the realization that there was no quenching this flame. The sweetest memories we have in our early dating life were in Malibu, walking hand in hand on the beach and picking out our favorite homes. Our grounded friendship created the most solid foundation of our relationship. People always used to tell me, “Date your best friend”. I never understood that until Kyle. Within a matter of months of consistent dating we officially kicked things off as boyfriend and girlfriend in May of 2016, and it was the best decision we have ever made!

David Elm

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

It all started out at breakfast spot that didn’t hold significance so, I didn’t think anything of it.  After we finished, he asked me if I wanted to go to Sherman Gardens. I knew was where his parents got married and he lured me into going by saying we could get mimosas at their cafe. There was no mimosas or even a cafe there!. His plan, I later found out, was just to get me to the exact spot where his parents were married. We walked around all the gardens, smelled some roses, looked at some succulents, and finally, we got to the spot. He stopped me and told me he had written me a letter. It wasn’t super out of his character, so I still didn’t think anything was going on. I sat and started reading, and it wasn’t until halfway through that I thought to myself, “Oh my word, he’s proposing to me, this is it, this is happening!” By then I look up and see David taking photos. It was then when I fully started to take in that this was the moment I’ve been waiting for my whole life. After I finished the letter Kyle was on one knee and asked me to marry him! I said YES! and then over and over I

“None of this felt real. Nothing can really prepare you for a moment like that. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have such a special day planned for me…”

By then I look up and see David taking photos. It was then when I fully started to take in that this was the moment I’ve been waiting for my whole life. After I finished the letter Kyle was on one knee and asked me to marry him! I said, “Yes!”  and then over and over I said, “Is this real life?” Following that, Kyle told me we were meeting his parents for breakfast, which then to my surprise wasn’t just his parents. It was all his family and our friends! I’m the luckiest! He also told me that he booked flights and we were flying to be with all my family and friends for the evening! In the matter of one day, I was going to be able to celebrate with all my people!(Sorry for so many exclamations). We landed and went straight to a restaurant where there was all my family and friends. We cheered, hugged, and drank the night away! None of this felt real. Nothing can really prepare you for a moment like that. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have such a special day planned for me, but that goes without saying I have the most special man that I get to spend forever with. He knows me well!

David Elm

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

My favorite experience has been being able to hand pick all of the details of the day to project things that both Kyle and I cherish. We want to cater to the guests so I have found so much joy in choosing what will make the day so special for them!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

My sister! She is a wedding planner so she has made this process so unbelievably blissful.

David Elm

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

The simplicity! I love how aesthetically clean and easy it is to navigate for us and our guests.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Don’t think about it too much! Honestly, Joy has figured it out for you. The interface is so user-friendly that even your grandmother will have no problems using it!

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

I try to keep in healthy perspective exactly that, the wedding is only a day. I’m trying not to get wrapped up in every little detail. Instead, I’m trying to invest my time in the future and our marriage. That is where I will find joy when the party and excitement are over.

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