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Joy Proposal Story: Lily & Brady

by Cali Pitchel

Lily and Brady are from Port Lincoln, South Australia. They met in year 5 at school, yet somehow managed to have nothing to do with each other until year 10. (It’s still a mystery as to how they managed that.) They’ve been together ever since, and 10 years later, they’re planning their wedding!

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

I told my girlfriend, Lily, that I’d scored a free photo shoot through work. I figured that made it slightly less random as opposed to me telling her, “Hey! Let’s have photos taken of us.” To be honest, I may have forgotten to tell her that I had the date locked in (sometimes I forget things like that). So when I told her just a week prior that the shoot was the upcoming weekend she wasn’t stoked….

Apparently she had a netball game and wanted to cancel our photo shoot. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? I’ve gone through years of planning, maintaining a secret bank account and all sorts of sneaky arrangements and you want to play netball?

Obviously I tried to reason with her, “Can’t you miss netball one week?” “Maybe you could just play the first half?” And my personal favourite, “You’re not even that good, they’ll be fine without you.” Surprisingly these tactics didn’t work. I swear I brought it up at least 17 times last week, and every time I was met with heavy resistance from Lil in her quest to play.

Ugh… This is not what I had in mind….

Saturday morning arrives, this is the big day and she drops the “C” bomb on me. “Let’s CANCEL this thing, I don’t want to do it.” Now lads, I think we all know when it comes to this point, you’ve got a serious job ahead of you turning that ship around. Lucky for me, I’m charming as…

She wanted to play netball, I didn’t want her to play netball. So we compromised and she played netball….

By the time her game finished, if everything went to plan, she’d have just enough time to race home and fight with the hair straighter, slap her makeup on and jump in the car. Then we’d have to get a good run on the road to make it to Coles Point (which is a beautiful secluded beach) before the sun went down and we missed our window. I paced around the house the whole time she was away, frantically doing the calculations in my head, making sure I’d thought of every detail and naturally, making sure my hair was on point…

Long story made slightly shorter: We made it.

The photo shoot was fun and we got some great shots (once you discounted the ones where our dog Axl, photo bombed us with his ass). But most importantly, once it was over and our lovely photographer Tanysha pretended to wander off, I got on one knee and proposed.


© 2016 Eclectic Photography

Obviously she said yes. Wouldn’t you? I’m a catch. She’s alright too actually. And now we are officially engaged. Moral of the story: Next time your man tells you he’s got something planned, just go with it ladies… You’ll save him a lot of grey hairs.

(They won netball by the way….)

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Can we say the engagement party? Because that was amazing. The rest just feels like work! Our wedding location is about 800 kilometres from where we live so it’s been a little more difficult to organise every little thing.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Lily is tremendously indecisive so I’ve taken on the roll of master planner. Basically I narrow all of our options down to a few choices. Then she picks from the selection I’ve come up with. #teamwork


© 2016 Eclectic Photography

How did you hear about Joy?

We weren’t set on the idea of a wedding website but we thought we’d have a look into it anyway. We kept finding other sites that just looked too cheesy and were too complicated to create. Then we found Joy mentioned in a wedding blog and thought it was a stand out.


What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

It’s so easy to customise and so effective.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

We love that we can make changes and advise people of a wet weather plan if we need it at the last minute. And the fact that we can collate RSVPs and ask all sorts of questions of the guests.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Let’s hope so! Weddings are too expensive to do twice!


© 2016 Eclectic Photography

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