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Joy Proposal Story: Rocky & Ley

by Kelsey Vickers

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

He told me he booked a reservation somewhere but wouldn’t tell me where it was a surprise for our second anniversary. Unknown to me, friends, family, and even colleagues had been working to organize the proposal. My mom took me to get a pedicure, Jane set up appointments to get manicures together, and Anne did my makeup for our date and snapped a picture of us before we left. Before leaving for dinner, he told me he forgot something at Creative and Beyond studio. So we went there, thinking that the Tan Family would be there too. When the elevator opened on the ninth floor, I heard music playing. We entered the studio and my heart dropped to the floor!

The rest is history as they say.  He knelt, he asked, I ugly cried, and said, “Yes!”.

Inside were flower petals across the floor, dimmed lights and fairy lights all around, balloons with our pictures attached to the strings. I initially thought music was playing from speakers, it was actually being played live by two of the best string players I know, Rose and AJ!  I was just so amazed by what he had done and what God had done. We had dinner by candlelight and then asked me to stand up. We danced to the music, so romantic! Then Karen entered with a basin filled with water. He washed my feet, like how Jesus washed His disciple’s feet. I teared up a little because this act is so loving and humbling for me. He asked me to count the balloons, there were 17. He told me there should be 18 since our anniversary is February 18th. The 18th picture was the picture that Anne took before we left for dinner and the balloon! He then yelled for Tommy to come in with a balloon and on the tip of its string is a white box with the ring. He knelt, he asked, I ugly cried and said, “Yes!” The rest is history as they say.

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

What I love as we plan, pray, and design for our wedding, is seeing our personalities come out. It truly shows who we are and not just a copy of a Pinterest wedding!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

We pray and give it all to God. We also find time to relax and talk about anything aside from the wedding.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Make it personal. You can edit the questions and re-arrange the wedding party photos, and so much more!

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

For us, Joy will last forever if we put God at the center of our marriage.

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