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Joy Proposal Story: Sarah & Marshall

by Cali Pitchel
Joy Proposal Story: Sarah & Marshall

Sarah and her parents went to tour a college campus together, and as fate would have it, Marshall, an RA at the time, was assigned to lead the tour. Sarah’s mother nudged her and said, “Sarah, he’s cute!” After he completed the tour, Sarah and her parents thanked him and went on their way. You’d think that was the end of the story, but thanks to Sarah’s mom who requested not only another tour, but another tour with Marshall, the story continued. Five years later, Sarah and Marshall are walking down the aisle!


Give us the details! When? Where? How?

It all began on June 25 of this year. We were going on a huge family trip with Marshall’s family (15 people total) to Ireland. We stayed in a B&B in the country side along the coast, it was absolutely beautiful and peaceful. Each day we went on a new adventure to different cities in Ireland, and on June 27 we drove to Spanish Point, County Clare Ireland.

There was this spot we pulled off to see that is along the coast where it was all rock that you can walk across. The tide was low so in the pockets of rock there was all this sea life which was amazing to see. There was no one around besides Marshall’s mother, father, brother, and his brother’s girlfriend. I went up to Marshall to hug and kiss him and next thing I know Marshall is down on one knee asking me to marry him. It was beautiful and so unexpected, and of course I said yes!



After that we went back to the house where we were all staying to let everyone know, and it was one big celebration with champagne. Later that night Marshall told me he was walking around every day with my ring in his jacket pocket waiting for the right moment and little did I know Marshall’s mother was wearing my ring on a necklace on the plane ride to Ireland since Marshall and I were sharing a suitcase.

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

We are both graphic designers so picking the color scheme and the overall vibe of the wedding has been so fun. We just love seeing everything starting to come together.



How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

We make sure to get away from planning, taking breaks is really important to us so that we don’t get burnt out or frustrated. In those moments we love to go for hikes to clear our minds and to just get away from technology.




At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy should last forever. What does that mean to you?

Weddings are great but at the end of it, it’s your relationship that will last forever so take the time during your busy planning to tell your significant other how much you appreciate them and take a break every so often to just spend uninterrupted time together.



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