When you decide that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, that epiphany should be the only thing that matters. Unfortunately, we all know that isn’t the case. Whether you think you’re ready for it or not, weddings are extremely expensive. Before you even start your wedding planning process, however, you have one expensive purchase that comes first: the engagement ring.
Andrew Wise of Life, Tailored, shares how you can save on your engagement ring by shopping smart on Ebay.
Few names are more popular or prominent in the engagement ring sector than Tiffany. That little blue box and the time-honored craftsmanship that goes into each and every single diamond ring makes them a step above the rest. Even beyond that, you should consider buying your future partner a Tiffany ring because it holds its value so well. I bought my wife’s engagement ring for 50 percent off on Ebay and, five years later, the same ring is selling for the same exact price that I bought it for.
What does this mean? It means that if I someday decide that I want to upgrade her ring, I know I’ll be able to get all (or almost all) of my money back when I re-sell it the original one.
The 5 C’s of Diamonds: Here’s What You Need to Know

The quality of a diamond ring is judged by five unique criteria: carat-weight, color, clarity, cut and confidence. What do these mean though, and how do you know if you are getting your money’s worth?
- Carat-weight refers to the weight of the diamond. 1 carat equals 0.2 grams.
- Color refers to the color of the diamond itself. Most diamonds fall somewhere into a category between “D”, which is colorless, and “Z”, which is light yellow. The clearer the diamond, the more expensive it will be.
- Clarity refers to the clarity of the diamond under 10-times magnification. The clearer the diamond, the more expensive it will be.
- Cut refers to the shape and style of the diamond, as well as its symmetry and proportions.
- Confidence refers to the reputability of the diamond ring. You should go to a jeweler that you can trust and insist upon receiving a diamond grading certificate from an independent and recognized grading laboratory.
Here’s How to Buy an Engagement Ring from Ebay

- Schedule an appointment to bring your fiance into the store. This is going to be very important for a number of reasons. You want to find out the kind of ring they like and allow them to try on different carat sizes and settings until they finds their favorite. You’ll also want to have their ring size and find out the setting name, etc. until you have everything they want down perfectly.
- Then go home and start your search on Ebay for the exact specs. Now that you have everything all ready, you can start your search. Pricing on Ebay should be 50 percent of the price in the store. Once you find your ideal ring, make sure to check the seller’s feedback score before you buy. Because you’re purchasing the ring online, it is important that you know you are buying from someone reputable and not getting scammed.
- Bring the ring to the store and have ownership transferred into your name. Once you are in possession of the ring and have purchased it, you need to go to the store and have ownership transferred into your name. The only thing left to do afterward is purchase ring insurance — and you are ready to get engaged.
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Wedding Invitations with Online RSVP
Whether you send traditional paper invitations or go paperless, you can easily collect RSVPs online.