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Joy Proposal Story: Christopher & Jacqueline

by Cali Pitchel

Christopher & Jacqueline’s paths crossed multiple times over the past few years. Christopher is a friend of of Jacqueline’s brother, Wayne. They also went to the same high school, but were in different classes. It wasn’t until eight years after they first met that they went on their first date.

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

We had been planning a fun diving trip to Bermuda. Christopher had been planning more than that for months. The trip to Bermuda didn’t get off to a great start. Christopher’s sunglasses were destroyed by the conveyor belt going through airport security, and on arrival in Bermuda someone else had mistakenly taken our checked bag with all our dive gear. The first day in Bermuda we did a lot of walking and sightseeing.

The joy you share and experience before the wedding and on the wedding day should continue going forward forever in your life together.

Christopher was anxious all day, I had no idea what was weighing on him. The trip just kept getting better. Our bag was delivered and the following day was our first dive. I did not suspect a thing. We got on the boat and started to descend. I went down first, Christopher came down next and handed me the camera, then started scribbling on the slate. I was looking around wondering what he was writing since the visibility was so good he could have just pointed it out.

Next thing I know he turns the slate around and to my surprise he had written, “Jackie, I love you. Will you marry me?”


I was so happy, and after the shock wore off I responded, “Yes! Love You!” Christopher pulled out a sapphire diamond band style ring from his BC and we got it on my finger.

A week later was my birthday and we went out with family to celebrate my birthday and our engagement, little did I know there was another ring. He passed over a box and opened it up, inside was a beautiful engagement ring, he didn’t want to risk losing the engagement ring underwater. Afterwards I learned more details from asking for my parents blessing to building the engagement ring.

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Looking at the different possible venues when we decided to have a destination wedding in South Africa. (And the surprise that no one knows about.)

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

We haven’t, but we have the luxury of doing it in bits since we still have months to go before the big day.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

Posting our pictures.


What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Take advantage of the feature that allows you to create your own Q&A questions as well as the itinerary which worked great for destination wedding with additional events during the trip.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy should last forever. What does that mean to you?

The joy you share and experience before the wedding and on the wedding day should continue going forward forever in your life together.

Bday and Engagement

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