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Joy Proposal Story: Grace & Michael

by Kelsey Vickers
Joy Proposal Story: Grace & Michael

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

We joined Michael’s family in Barcelona for a few days’ for an annual family vacation. I had a suspicion he would propose at some point during our Europe trip, but the actual proposal was a complete surprise! Michael’s mom had planned a sailing trip around Barcelona harbor on a beautiful Wednesday morning for Michael’s immediate family and I.  The sail itself was beautiful, but the waves were quite choppy that day. The original plan was to sail a bit and stop somewhere to swim, but it looked too windy to do so. Michael requested to stop though, so we threw the anchor overboard in 200-meter deep water, and he jumped out.

Closer North

The rest of us stayed onboard, as he was the guinea pig to test the waters. He immediately started to swim back after jumping in, struggling against the waves. At this point I had my GoPro, taking photos of him struggling in the water trying to climb the boat. He struggled for a while and said he could only use one hand to hoist himself up. It didn’t click for me then, I thought it was a weird sailing rule. I got closer to watch him struggle while laughing and not helping him up. Finally, he made it back up and I saw him holding a Kinder Egg in his hand. I thought he’d just brought it to play with in the ocean. I stupidly asked why he had brought it. He opened the Kinder Egg, and inside was the ring! He sat there holding the ring for a while until his mom reminded him, “Do you have something to ask her?” After he asked, I said, “Yes”.

Closer North

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

How excited the important people in our life have been for us, and sharing the joy!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Taking everything one step at a time. I really don’t feel that stressed at all about planning. I think the hardest parts that people often cite (finding a venue and making the website) were not that hard for me.

Closer North

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

It’s such an easy, customizable website that makes it easy for us to share details of our big day with our guests. I love the interface of the website and also the ability for everyone to RSVP and find all relevant information in one beautiful place.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Joy gives you suggestions for filling out sections of the websites, but customize it to reflect your personalities! It’s so great adding fun tidbits about yourselves and sharing the experience with family and friends. Our website isn’t done yet because we have a lot of the wedding to plan still, but the site still looks beautiful, regardless of the amount of information we have.

Closer North

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Real joy comes from life after the wedding. Having close family and friends nearby, reminiscing about the time you had and maintaining a happy and healthy marriage with your spouse for the rest of your lives.

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