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Joy Proposal Story: Joe & Sayra

by Kelsey Vickers

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

One of the things that brought us together was Ironman. Back in 2009, Joe decided to do Ironman near our hometown where my mom and I happened to be volunteering. Even though Joe and I weren’t really friends at the time, I got to medal him when he crossed the finish line. The next year I was able to medal him yet again! Years went by, and slowly we started becoming friends. Over time, we fell in love. It had always been a goal of mine to do an Ironman and by this time, Joe had completed four. We were at a coffee shop one night when he said, “You should just do it. Just sign up!” So, I did. Just like that.

Fast forward to August 27th, 2017. We had been training for Ironman for a good 10 months and the day had finally arrived. It’s Joe’s fifth, and my first. He absolutely killed it finishing in 10 hours and two minutes, qualifying for Ironman World Championships! For the next four hours, he waited (very patiently) for his lady to cross the finish line. We’d talked about it, and I really wanted him to medal me. So, I was beyond excited when I saw him on the red carpet at the end of my 140.6 miles! Little did I know, he had another plan in mind. “Remember when I told you my most cherished memory was when you signed up for Ironman?” he asked. I replied, “Yes…” He followed with, “It’s because in that moment, I knew I was going to do this when you crossed the finish line.” Down he went, onto one knee and asked me to spend forever with him. It was truly the most magical moment of my entire life! Of course I said, “Yes!” An Ironman medal wasn’t the only bling I got that night.

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Deciding where to get married has been both the most challenging and the most fun! We’ve also really loved creating our wedding website!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Setting aside specific times to plan has been really helpful. Joe likes to move, so we can only sit down for an hour or two at a time before he gets antsy. We usually go for a run or swim then come back and plan a little later. Planning our wedding together has been so much fun!

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

It’s so easy and so beautiful! I loved our website from the moment I added our first photo and changed the color scheme!

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

I’m still discovering all it can do but I’ve found the most success by asking questions! The live chat has been so helpful, someone always has an answer to my questions.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Weddings are wonderful, but they’re over in an instant. Joy is being able to spend my life with a partner who makes me laugh, supports me, and loves me every minute of every day. Joy is being married to my very best friend.

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