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Joy Proposal Story: Lori & Clarence

by Kelsey Vickers

How did the two of you meet?

We met in 2009 when Clarence was taking classes at CSCC, and I was placed with him as his Interpreter. We hit it off immediately, talking about our favorite football team (The Browns), yeah yeah… we know! We both enjoyed working together but were in different places in our lives at the time. In 2011 we got the chance to work together again and both enjoyed the conversations, but Clarence was expecting a little girl with his partner at the time. We ran into each other once in awhile at Deaf community events, and would always chat it up, and now we both admit there was some major chemistry there when these instances would happen!

“We are each other’s best friends, we love our life together, and we are just a good fit for one another.”
In July of 2014, Clarence finally joined Facebook as a single guy, and began to search for me!! However, he couldn’t find me. He later appeared on my “people you may know” suggestions. Once I added him, we instantly began private messaging each other and he asked for my number, but didn’t use it! I was so bummed but I knew there was something there…so I sent him another message giving him a hard time about not using my number and he started texting me. We started hanging out slowly, he introduced me to his beautiful daughter, Emmalee, and before we knew it we were a thing! We have been officially together since October 4, 2014, and we can’t see our lives without each other.We are each other’s best friends, we love our life together, and we are just a good fit for one another. Emmalee has been a blessing in my life also, providing me with humor, love, and affection. We are excited to legally become a family!

Who proposed?

Clarence and his 5 yr old daughter, Emmalee.

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

March 30th, in Florida, on the beach! Clarence and Emmalee surprised me after dinner one evening on one of our Florida vacations. We were at the beach with my family, he took me by the hand, got down on one knee and told me how lucky he is to have me in both their lives. He told me he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with me and wanted to know if I would do him the honor of being his wife!

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Looking for the venue! We did it together. We are doing a destination wedding, so it was a great get away!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

No pressure, I am marrying my best friend and we are so excited to share it with our family and friends.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

The ease of the website, and the guest list option.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Play around with the site, see what it has to offer. I like that notes and details can be added to just about anything. Plus, you can really personalize the website!

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

The joy of being a couple will be with us for our lifetime!

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