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Joy Proposal Story: Rilwan & Zainab

by Cali Pitchel

How’d the two of you meet?

Starting in 2013, our families kept telling us about each other and that we should meet. The thought of this was discouraging since families are always trying to introduce you to someone you have no interest in. Fast forward to December 2014, our families decided to introduce us during a Christmas party. Can someone say awkward!?! It was clear exactly was going on, we both were reluctant participants in the ride.

A few days later we would meet again at a Nigerian club event. As the event was winding down we finally got to talking and realized we had similar interests. We exchanged numbers but didn’t really think much of the interaction. Being a gentlemen I checked in on her the next morning to make sure she got home safely. She took this as a sign that I was interested and proceeded to flirt. I know what you’re thinking it takes two—yes, I flirted back.

I was only in town for a few days so we decided to hangout before I headed back to the west coast. I chose Dave & Busters, we had a great time and two years later here we are!

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

I flew in on her birthday to surprise her. I then arranged for our family and friends to meet us on south beach that weekend. She thought we were doing a weekend getaway for her birthday but this was all part of the proposal. When we got to our Airbnb location and she noticed our family and friends she thought they were here for her birthday. I then proceeded to propose.


Marriage is a joy, an eternal happiness that will last and be with us every day.


What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Working together to finalize the budget and making compromises on wedding details.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

We try to remember the wedding is one day and marriage is a lifetime, plus we hired a wedding planner.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

The app availability.


What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Be detailed as possible to provide family and friends with all necessary information.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Marriage is a joy, an eternal happiness that will last will be with us every day.

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