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Joy Proposal Story: Alex & Mike

by Kelsey Vickers

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

We were on vacation to see my family. It was a trip filled with constant activities! On the last day, we went for a beautiful bike ride along the coast. We met my dad and his wife mid-way for a picnic of chicken salad sandwiches (romantic, right?). I was actually getting irritated at all of them because no one could hold a conversation with me! Then, they awkwardly walked away to take pictures of the water. At that point my fiance nervously stuttered out, “Will you marry me?”.

Bryn Massey

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

It’s super rewarding to know my time is paying off whenever a piece falls into place! For instance the venue, photographer, or caterer.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Reminding myself that this is supposed to be fun and it doesn’t need to all be planned tomorrow!

Bryn Massey

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

Having everything in one place makes a million pieces of planning a wedding, a lot easier!

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Have fun with it! It’s really great to have a website with a lot of flexibility.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Planning a wedding can be tough and cause you to lose sight of why you’re actually getting married! It’s important to keep you and your partner focused on the end goal.

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