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Joy Proposal Story: Christie & Will

by Cali Pitchel

Christie and Will met while Christie was attending the University of Alabama. She was in her hometown, Orlando, for summer break. It was a short visit, and she had no plans to return to Orlando anytime soon. She was out with friends in downtown Orlando at a bar, and there was Will. Everything changed, and they were pretty much inseparable. After just one short month of seeing each other, Christie decided to move back to Orlando. (Never say never.) The rest is history!


Give us the details! When? Where? How?

He proposed in the most intimate way ever—perfect for my secret introverted self. It was Saturday, June 27th 2015. We spent the day at Cocoa Beach, and on the way home he asked if I wanted to go to dinner. Of course I said yes, but my feisty self wanted to make sure we were going somewhere nice because I wanted to dress up.

He just smiled at me and said yes, that’s what he intended, and he asked me to wear something nice. When we got home, I had to start getting ready ASAP because one, I’m a girl and take forever, and two, he said we were going somewhere that required a 20 minute drive. Well, never in the history of ever have I ever gotten dressed and ready as quickly as I did. (Little did I know I almost ruined the surprise!)


Tori Kitts Photography


After finally getting dressed, I swung my bedroom door open to find 12 long stem red roses laid out on the hallway floor leading out to where he was standing at the end. I was so shocked. All I could muddle was “Should I pick these up?” I was shaking, trying not to cry and smiling from ear-to-ear. Of course he said no and to come to him. I walked out and can’t even tell you what he said because I was so elated and nervous and just so surprised!

I think it’s so easy to get wrapped up in what weddings should be that people sometimes forget the entire reason of a wedding: you and your significant other.

Then he pulled out the ring from his pocket, got on one knee and asked if I would spend forever with him coupled with will you marry me. Again to my surprise, he recorded the whole thing (but couldn’t get our heads in it because I got ready super quick and he didn’t have time). He then took us to our restaurant, Hillstone in Winter Park, with my favorite champagne waiting on the table, overlooking the dock. He did good. After dinner we visited two of our best friends and celebrated together.


Tori Kitts Photography


What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

My favorite experience planning is hands down visiting the venue with Will. Our venue is at Dunaway Gardens in Georgia, about 35 minutes from Downtown Atlanta. Movies have been filmed there and Walt Disney used to go there for inspiration. The venue is just gorgeous—surrounded by trees, flowers and so much greenery. It’s truly breathtaking. When Will and I went together we were so giddy and it was just the best feeling, knowing we would get to say our “I dos” in such a beautiful location. We could almost feel God. It was heavenly.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Will and prayer—and Will again. He is so incredible at just talking me through things and telling me that everything is going to be ok. Half the time it’s my own thoughts going crazy and my own added pressure. Instead of trying to fix everything, he listens and talks me through it. He is my voice of reason. I think it’s so easy to get wrapped up in what weddings should be that people sometimes forget the entire reason of a wedding: you and your significant other. He does a great job in helping me remember that this is our day and nothing else matters.


Tori Kitts Photography


What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

My favorite part of using Joy is that I can customize it exactly how I want and incorporate the photos that I’ve took. Everything about our wedding is intimate and personal and well thought-though so I feel as if our wedding website should be all encompassing of that—which Joy is.


What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Do your research and take the time to look at all the themes and styles! Also look at the previews. There is so much you can do with Joy to make it your own.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Well, I think joy can be found in many different things, even the littlest of things that you wouldn’t necessarily expect. To us, Joy is sharing that first sip of coffee in the morning together, it’s waking up next to your best friend and other half, it’s laughing, crying, and going through this rollercoaster called life with your favorite person on this planet. But most of all, it’s knowing that you’ve found your person and that you’ve been found as someone’s person too.


Tori Kitts Photography


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