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Joy Proposal Story: Gene & Alex

by Cali Pitchel

How did the two of you meet?

We met at a mutual friend’s birthday party in 2010 in Hong Kong. Although I didn’t actually remember him after that initial meeting (something Gene will never let me forget), he persisted in getting me to notice him and eventually asked me out. Gene likes to claim I was playing hard to get but really I was just super shy back then.

How long have you been together?

Almost 7 years!

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

Last summer, Gene and I traveled to California with my family. During the trip and unbeknownst to me, Gene asked my parents for their blessing and also told my sister and all of my friends in California what he was planning.

Our wedding day will be one big celebration of that joy and a hint at the many more joyful moments to come in life shared together.

That morning August 9, 2016, I had a crazy dream that Gene had actually proposed but had done a pretty bad job at it. I told him about it and he laughed it off (bet I scared him though). We then spent the day out at Universal Studios and attempted to go to Griffith Observatory but the parking was a nightmare so we decided to leave. I didn’t realize that was meant to be the proposal spot but luckily Gene had a back up location in mind. Since by then it was getting late, I thought we would just head back but instead Gene suggested we go down to Redondo Beach (the beach where I grew up), which is only a few minutes from where we were staying.


Since it can get pretty chilly at night I insisted we go home first so I could change into something warmer, which was a hoodie and sweatpants (how romantic). Later, when we got to the beach I was reluctant to go out onto the cold sand. But Gene dragged me out there to a lifeguard stand, and the chilliness was worth it because he said, “Do you remember your dream? Because I’d like to make your dreams come true,” and got down on one knee. In that moment, I’m not even sure if I laughed at how cheesy that line was but I said yes!

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

The nitty gritty details aren’t too fun but looking forward to all our friends and family, overseas and local, being together in Hong Kong will be amazing!


How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

By hiring a wedding planner! She helps keep me on top of all the decisions to be made and I’m sure will help me stay (hopefully!) stress free on the wedding day.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

Joy is an easy and also beautiful website design. For us it not only is a platform for our friends and family to find out more information, but also compliments our color scheme and simplistic style – tying everything together. I especially love the tidbit section because it gives us the chance to share some more personal details about us as a couple that not everyone might know.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

You couldn’t find an easier or more convenient way to have all your information in one place. Your guests can quickly access all the wedding details and you can collect all their RSVP’s online. There’s no need to send a multi-page formal invitation with Joy. It’s a great way to save money and go paperless too.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

We’ve been lucky enough to already have been experiencing joy for a number of years throughout our relationship. Our wedding day will be one big celebration of that joy and a hint at the many more joyful moments to come in life shared together.


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