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Joy Proposal Story: Jen & Jason

by Cali Pitchel

How did the two of you meet?

We could start this story with our actual first meeting, but that night was fairly uneventful for us. We found ourselves at a mutual friend’s Halloween party. Jason came as Waldo, and I was dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. We met, had a typical “what’s your story” chat, and I was home by 10pm. (Jason probably should have made his way home early, too, but we’ll just leave that part of the story alone.) Neither of us was too inspired by our first meeting—we didn’t exchange phone numbers, become Facebook friends or Instagram followers, nor make any plans to meet again. We simply met that night, and that was that.

Ultimately, our love story is a lifelong journey, and our wedding is just one adventure along the way. Adventures full of joy make amazing memories, and those memories will last forever.

Fast forward to about two weeks later: It was mid-morning on a Wednesday, and I was having a horrific week (the mid-morning part is important). I have a routine. I always grab tea on the way into work, but my week was a mess and had me feeling a lot like Eeyore, rain cloud over my head and all. That particular day, I hadn’t had a chance to grab my tea before I hit the office. By mid-morning, I definitely needed a pick-me-up and found my way to our local coffee shop. I entered and headed straight for the counter to place my order.


Griffin Lane

As I waited for my tea, I glanced over my shoulder to see if I recognized anyone having coffee. I couldn’t help but notice this guy sort of leaning out of his chair staring right at me! Awkward! I quickly turned back around and started thinking, why is that guy looking so intently at me? And then it hit me! The guy looked a little like Waldo from the Halloween party! So I turned back around to take a second look, and there he was, still staring. Only this time he flashed me this big smile and popped me a wave. Yep! Definitely Waldo. But now Waldo was wearing a uniform! Hellooo Officer, good-bye Eeyore!

I’m so grateful my routine was off that day and our paths randomly crossed because that chance meeting changed our lives forever. I found my best friend, I found my true love.

My day—no, my week—had just taken a turn for the better! I strolled over to say hello and we struck up a short conversation. By the end of our chat, we had made plans to get together later in the week. It’s amazing that I walked into the coffee shop for a pick-me-up, and Jason literally picked me up! I’m so grateful my routine was off that day and our paths randomly crossed because that chance meeting changed our lives forever. I found my best friend, I found my true love … Heck! I found Waldo!

I scream, You scream...we LOVE ice cream!!

Griffin Lane

Give us the details! When? Where? How?

Jason and I love to mountain bike together. About three years ago while he was clearing single track bike trails in the Capitol Forest, he carved our initials into a stump on the edge of the trail. We’ve named it the Kissing Stump because every time we pedal by it, we stop for a kiss. In November, we were on a ride and Jason made it to the stump before I did. When I got there, not only did he kiss me, he asked me to share my life with him forever. We rode into the forest as best friends, and magically we rode out as fiancées.

Griffin Lane

Griffin Lane

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

We’re enjoying pulling all the little details together. Jason and I are pretty laid back and we want our wedding to reflect a welcoming easiness for our guests. We’ll be married at a beautiful lake house that’s in the family. We’ve got several DIY projects going for both of us including making an ice cream cart, butcher block serving trays, quilts for guest seating on the hillside, and miles of bunting being sewn. We work well together, create fun things together and love the outcome of our crafty endeavors.

How are you staying sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

When it feels overwhelming, we hop on our mountain bikes and spend some time in the forest. It’s beautiful and peaceful and it’s an awesome way to find perspective.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

I love the fact that it helps me organize all the details and data in one place. And did I mention that it’s a snap to use?


What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Think outside the box, experiment with all that Joy offers. If you get stuck, reach out to the Customer Service team. They’re helpful, insightful, and have great tips!

At JOY we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Ultimately, our love story is a lifelong journey, and our wedding is just one adventure along the way. Adventures full of joy make amazing memories, and those memories will last forever.

“Live in the moment, love for a lifetime, and ride like the wind.”

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