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Joy Proposal Story: Katherine & Pete

by Kelsey Vickers

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

He proposed right in front of Big Ben while we were in London! I was sitting on his lap, taking in the beauty of it all and he casually said, “So, will you marry me?” We’d already talked about getting married so I didn’t realize he was proposing! I said, “Of course.” Then paused and asked if he was really asking! He said he was and asked me again. I exclaimed, “Yes!”. I love opals and they’re his birthstone. He surprised me with a beautiful black opal ring. I didn’t expect a ring or a proposal, and I got both. I’m so lucky!

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

This is my second marriage. I was very young when I first got married and didn’t understand what marriage was. Now I do. My focus is on marrying my best friend. Writing my vows and thinking of the moment I will say them to Pete, has been my favorite!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

We’re both very easy going so we’re having a small, simple wedding. We just want to be married! Any pressure comes from outside, especially families wanting things a certain way. Our response has been to let them go ahead with whatever it is they want. I love that it’s small and intimate and that our families care.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

Our site was so easy to make, it’s perfect. It has only what we want, no more and no less. There are no hidden fees and it looks beautiful and modern. I would recommend it to anyone!

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Just try it! I tried others and they had a lot of fees for things I considered basic needs. Joy is so easy, and the results are exactly what we hoped for.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

The wedding is just a celebration to start off our marriage. The joy I’ve found in my relationship with Pete is more than I ever hoped for. Thinking of being his wife is incredible! Before him, life was stagnant and I didn’t know what real love was supposed to feel like. He brought the light back to my life, and I started living for me again. The English language doesn’t have enough words to say what Pete means to me, but joy is a great word for how I feel about marrying him.

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