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Joy Proposal Story: Lauren & Carson

by Cali Pitchel

How did the two of you meet?

We met through an event for mutual friends.

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

One year prior to our travels, Carson’s sister Marissa found a crazy good deal on flights to Australia and we said, sure book it! We’ll make it work 🙂 So along with Carson’s mom Cristina, sister Marissa and her husband Michael and daughter Hartley (and Ellis in womb), we packed our bags and traveled on multiple planes, for multiple hours in route to Australia. While in Melbourne, Michael booked all of us on the Great Ocean Road tour. The most incredible views Lauren had ever seen, she was already on cloud nine. We pulled up to the 12 apostles and Lauren rushed out of the van to see the magnificent natural phenomenon, this is when Marissa handed the ring to Carson the first time. However, it was bulging out of his jacket and clearly did not blend in so he handed it back to Marissa.
“He got down on one knee and Lauren’s world spun, literally.”
While we were out on the boardwalk looking out at the apostles, it started to pour, it was freezing! We ran to shelter and waited for a few minutes and as it slowed, Carson urged Lauren to walk back out to the boardwalk but of course she complained that she was already so cold. Luckily, the other’s were onto his plan and pushed to go back out, so Cristina and Lauren led the way. Right behind her, Marissa handed Carson the ring for the second time then she conveniently pulled Michael aside to “look” at something on the boardwalk, and called out to Cristina too who turned and ran backwards towards the others. Lauren was absolutely clueless. Arguing over which way to go at the break in the boardwalk, we finally go to the edge where Carson set down the umbrella, which fell over due to his nervous shakes. He got down on one knee and Lauren’s world spun, literally. She told Carson she needed to sit down. If you ask her what she said, she’ll tell you she doesn’t remember a thing. If you ask Carson, he’ll say he can’t remember if Lauren said yes. To say we were caught up in the moment is quite the understatement! We’ll just assume there was a yes, because we’re getting this show on the road!


What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

We are doing a destination wedding to Aruba, so I would say looking at places to stay and things to do!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Deciding to do a destination, it’s so much easier! We are having our reception after, back in Tampa with all of our family and friends.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

It’s simple to use and has beautiful designs!

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Make sure to click around, I keep finding new tabs with new things I can add, it’s a pleasant surprise!

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

This memory is such an important one. All the joy you put into making the day so special and the excitement you feel for it, will bring countless memories rushing back whenever you think of your sweet marriage and wonderful wedding day.

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