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Joy Proposal Story: Rick & Jennifer

by Cali Pitchel

How did the two of you meet?

Rick and I met June 21, 2015 at Marymoor Park in Redmond. It was Father’s Day and he was at the annual Washington’s Brewers Festival with his family. I had just moved from Hawaii the day before and had walked down from my place to enjoy the festivities. As the festival was nearing its end, I was in line at the Diamond Knot Brewing Company booth next to Rick and Craig. We struck up a conversation and they invited me to join them for one last sample. I then met Rick’s parents who kindly offered to give me a ride home. I was hesitant for a moment to take a ride with “strangers” but could tell what a wonderful family they were and gladly accepted. I was skeptical once again when they dropped me off – not at home – but at Rick’s car. Well, he got me home safe and sound and after we arrived at my house we spent time hanging out and talking at the neighborhood park, he also got to meet my little Winchester for the first time. We continued to spend time together as friends with Rick taking me on many amazing adventures! Sailing with Shawn Motley, hiking at St. Edwards, wake boarding, bonfires, and other excursions. I was having a blast!
The friendship turned to romance and as they say… the rest is history!
The more time I spent with Rick the more I discovered what a treasure he was but I was tentative to take it any further. He was an incredible- and much needed- new friend and I certainly did not want to risk our friendship by getting involved in a relationship. In July, I headed back to Hawaii for a family visit and at the same time he headed to Blue Lake with his family (no cell reception). We didn’t talk for those couple weeks but once we both returned we hit it off again and he invited me to go hiking at Crystal Mountain for the weekend of and stay at the family cabin. Needless to say, I began to realize how crazy I was NOT wanting to pursue a relationship with this fun, amazing, hardworking, generous, thoughtful man and the friendship turned to romance and as they say… the rest is history!

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

On April 10th, 2017, we were up at Crystal Mountain Resort, skiing. It was a beautiful morning – the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the snow was good! We took a break around lunch to eat at the Bullwheel Restaurant. Little did I know, Rick had planned on proposing that weekend and was talking secretly with our friends about being there when it happened. After lunch, several of our friends said they’d like to take a lap with me. Unfortunately, the weather had changed and it became stormy and windy before we headed back out.
I’m so blessed to have found such a perfect partner!
Rick told me after, rain or shine he had decided to propose after lunch! But God hooked it up and by the time we reached the top of the chairlift, the sky had cleared up again and the sun came shining through! Right there in front of the Lodge, Rick dropped to his knee and proposed. It took me a minute to figure out what exactly was going on (I think I was in shock) but, of course, I said “YES”! It was a beautiful moment and I’m so blessed to have found such a perfect partner!

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

So far: Wedding dress shopping. Since I moved to Washington from Hawaii, I don’t really have my family close by to help or hang out and discuss wedding plans. When I went back to Hawaii to visit my family, my parents and I went wedding dress shopping and found the perfect dress! It was a spontaneous decision but it was wonderful to have that experience with my parents. Rick’s family has been super on board and helpful but it was nice to be able to have that moment with my family.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

So far there hasn’t been much pressure. Rick is very supportive and the wedding will be pretty low key. Also, our parents have been very supportive and helpful!

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

The simplicity of the website and the ease of being able to communicate about the wedding details with guests.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Share the link with everyone! Get feedback about what info to include so that all of your guests have as much detail as they need on the wedding day and weekend.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

The wedding is a party to celebrate a commitment. The commitment to love and share joy and happiness, is what lasts forever and each day making decisions that reaffirm that commitment.

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