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Joy Proposal Story: Sara & Aaron

by Kelsey Vickers

How did the two of you meet?

Our initial exchange was prompted by a “musical moment”.  This was a viral video of Sara singing “Circle of Life” in a post office. Followed by months of written correspondence and ultimately a first date in our hometown. Our relationship blossomed, and after many months of long-distance dating and 16-hour drives between Ohio and Florida, Aaron moved his business (and himself!) to Florida!


Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

Aaron brought me to St. Augustine for dinner, thinking we were celebrating my new job! We ate at our favorite BBQ spot and explored the downtown area before ultimately ending up along the river. Horse-drawn carriages were lined up along the river and he asked if I’d like to take a ride. I commented, “How romantic!” He swiftly grounded me by sharing that it was a history tour, and well, if you know anything about St. Augustine’s history it’s anything but romantic.



Excerpts from the coachman’s spiel included “the river ran with blood for days on end” as well as a comment that Aaron had “taken the kiss of death” after kissing me under the legendary love tree. As we rounded a corner, the carriage stopped in front of Memorial Presbyterian Church, a stunning piece of history and architecture. The coachman suggested we get out of the carriage and explore the grounds. It was there that I turned around to Aaron down on one knee. He had brought along my locket (something he carries with him when he travels) inside was the ring! No shortage of happy tears ensued, and when we returned to the carriage, a “Just Engaged” sign adorned the right-hand side. We rolled back through town, waving (and myself happy crying), as people passing by cheered us on.


What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

We really just got started! Picking colors and a theme has been the most exciting part of the journey thus far.


How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Trying to balance his preferences and mine can be daunting! At the end of the day, flexibility is the best ability. My family and friends have been incredibly supportive. I am so fortunate to be in this season of life!


What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

It’s so clean, user-friendly and fun. It’s way better than what The Knot had to offer!



At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

I’m a really happy girl! At Disneyland where I work, they call me Sara Smiles. Joy is a choice, not a feeling. I’m choosing joy in our marriage and I’m fully dedicated to every hill and valley that’s still to come!

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