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Joy Proposal Story: Sara & Eamon

by Cali Pitchel

How’d the two of you meet?

We met at the South Hedland Bowls Club, thanks to our beautiful friend Chantel. (Side note: Ironically, have never been bowling together!) I was having a good time, making people laugh, and Eamon was telling stories and explaining his tattoos. We ended up at the Finny Club where we laughed our heads off, watching Eamon’s friend do “the worm” in between pool tables even with severe back problems!

The next day, Eamon picked me up for breakfast at the Esplanade (a sort of fancy place in Port Hedland). We laughed, talked, and agreed to have dinner together on a Wednesday night.

Eamon was nervous. He bought new shirts and asked his sister, Sian, for advice. I tried on 100 outfits, asking my Pilbara mother (sort of motherly figure as my Mum was back in Perth, about 1800 km away), Lamanda, for advice. Eamon picked me up in his work car and had a fresh towel over the seat for me to sit on, so I wouldn’t get red dirt all over my clothes.

Sara and Eamon Races

We went to the Pilbara Rooms, a nice restaurant in Port Hedland, and got to know each other more. We shared food, and I was very embarrassed when Eamon pulled one of my hairs out of his mouth after eating my food! I thought that would be a deal breaker, but Eamon found it funny and still laughs about it now.

Give us the details! When? Where? How?

Eamon asked me to marry him in Margaret River, Western Australia (south of Perth) about a year and a half after we started dating. He bought a new Tom Ford suit, and I had picked a special dress to wear. Eamon had previously bought this particular dress for me in Port Hedland at the local markets, it has beautiful Australian flowers on it, and I really love the style. I didn’t end up wearing it, however, because the weather was cold! I had to wear a different dress, long and black.

I said yes, and we were happy.

A silver 1955 Bentley with red leather interior picked us up and drove us to La Foret Enchantee, a beautiful, tangled and wild garden. The car dropped us off in front of a huge stone arch, and we walked through it onto large white stone steps. He asked me on the steps, in front of a spindly table with wine, flowers, chocolate and candles on it. Eamon had picked a beautiful platinum ring, with a white diamond and two pink diamonds, all from the Argyle mine in Western Australia. He had picked it as homage to my connection to WA.

Sara and Eamon NWF

I said yes, and we were happy.

We walked down the steps together, towards a huge stone table, set for two, with chairs and blankets. We had a private lunch with a personal chef, waitress and food and wine from within 10 km radius. The Margaret River was flowing just metres from our feet, and the noise of nature was so beautiful!

Drunk on happiness (and local wine!), the driver took us back into Margaret River town, where we had cocktails with Eamon’s parents, sharing stories, excitement and plans for the future.

Sara and Eamon Panawonica Rodeo

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

I have been so lucky, Eamon has been fantastic—he got the ball rolling by contacting a party hire company in the town where we will get married, and arranged marquees, tables, chairs, cutlery, lights, etc! He then also scoped out an amazing place for my ladies (bridesmaids, mothers, sisters etc) to get make up and hair done, get ready and get photos done. My favourite experience would therefore be Eamon taking charge!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

We don’t! We talk things through, and both of us are fairly good at compromising- if one of us wants something, the other is usually ok with it.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

It is simple, user friendly, has a good structure, and allows a little individuality without betting too complicated!


What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Trial and error. Add stuff, take stuff away, put in pictures, write descriptions and make changes.

Eamon and Sara Engagement Party


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