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Joy Proposal Story: Toni & Guershon

by Cali Pitchel

Toni and Guershon met on August 23, 2012 in the small town of Türkbükü, Bodrum, Turkey. Guershon was working as a personal fitness and basketball trainer at the Maçakızı Hotel, and Toni was on vacation with one of her really good girlfriends. Toni and her girlfriend went to a beach club and spent the day swimming, eating, and taking in the sun.

When they were walking back to her car, Toni’s friend noticed Guershon on the basketball courts and said, “Toni! Look! Another black person!” Guershon heard her and turned and noticed the two women. He said, “Hello, how are you ladies doing?” They stopped and talked for a moment, and before they parted ways, Toni and Guershon exchanged email addresses. The rest, as they say, is history.


Tell us a bit more about that first meeting.

Later that evening she and I decided to send him an email and see what he was up to for the evening. We ended up having a bite to eat, which in Turkish culture includes yummy food and dessert as well as a tea or coffee after dinner. We also went for an evening swim and had a nice night. We hit it off, stayed in touch, and ended up dating for about two years long-distance.



I traveled to visit him in Istanbul, and we went on trips to Ghana, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Israel! Guershon decided to move back to the USA after living in Turkey for almost 8 years. So, towards the end of December 2014 he arrived to California and we have been together ever since!

Give us the proposal details!

It happened during Thanksgiving dinner 2016, while with my family at my sister’s house! We sat across from each other at the dinner table. We had about 11 people at the table total (mom, sister, her husband, nephews, cousin, extended family, etc.) and when everyone finished eating, Guershon and my brother-in-law, Bobby, began helping to clear the table since they were on the side closest to the kitchen.

At some point I noticed my brother-in-law had a camera in his hand, but this happened at the same time Guershon came around to my side of the table. He looked at me and got down on one knee and proposed! He was so cute and sweet and I was so happy.

What’s been your favorite part of wedding planning?

Our favorite experience planning the wedding so far has been the gift registries. They are enlightening but also fun and funny at times.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

For our sanity during the pressure of wedding planning we have been very good about communicating with each other. We have been turning to each other as well as our really good circle of family and friends to help us with anything we can’t handle on our own. As well most have taken initiative to find useful information for us.


What’s your favorite part of using Joy to plan your wedding?

Our favorite part for using joy for our wedding is that it’s user friendly and not over complicated which helps our friends or family members that are older and in their 70s to be able to use the site.

What advice would you give to other couples so they can use Joy to the fullest?

A piece of advice for couples to use it to its fullest potential is to try to give people bits and pieces for instructions (especially if they’re unfamiliar with using a wedding website). For example, send them an email first to tell them to visit the site and put in code (if you have one) and click RSVP. It’s so helpful to have everyone register and get their mailing addresses and use the export feature to be able to create mailing labels, etc.

At Joy we believe weddings last a day, but joy lasts forever. What does this mean to you?

The wedding day lasts a day, but the joy lasting forever means that the memories and experience of the wedding day can be with us always. Even when the day is over, our hearts and the reason we are meant for each other, as well as why we decided to get married. are what we are celebrating on our wedding day and what will stay with us as we journey through or life full of joy together.

Down on knee kissing hand

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