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Joy Proposal Story: Emily & Ted

by Cali Pitchel

How did the two of you meet?

We met in college in the Fingerlakes of Ithaca, NY. We both are musical people and ended up joining the same a cappella group. But, at the time, Ted was ducking out to go to Sprint football games and Emily was cheerleading, so we didn’t hit it off as more than friends until our mutual friends set us up! Our first date was an epic success—Hot Tub Time Machine and buffalo wings was the perfect combination for some laughs and relaxed conversation.

How long have you been together?

We have been together over 7 years! We started dating in 2009, and have kept it going despite moves to different continents and different cities.

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

Emily has always wanted to travel to Utah to see canyon country. She had never seen the desert (being from PA) and had her heart set on completing some epic hikes. We planned a jam-packed itinerary, full of canyoneering, mountain biking, hiking, and camping through 6 National Parks. Ted knew that this was the perfect opportunity to get down on one knee. When they arrived at Zion National Park, Ted shirked the first part of the plans and prodded Emily to hike Angel’s Landing, the hardest hike in the park and the reason why they had come.

It was 2PM in the afternoon and showed light rain in the forecast, but Emily conceded because the excitement was so great! After an heart-thumping uphill climb, they made their way on the narrow path, using cables to get to the top. Ted found a spot that showed the gorgeous landscape below, got down on one knee, and asked Emily to marry him. She said yes! After her shock subsided a bit, they popped champagne at the top. The best part about it was that a high schooler and fellow hiker filmed it all—thank god for Millennials!


What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Emily’s favorite part has been taking engagement photos. She was pleasantly surprised at how fun and not nerve-wracking it was! Ted’s favorite part was writing the groomsmen descriptions on Joy!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

We huddled on the weekends and checked off tasks in bursts. Emily clicked into project management mode and made spreadsheets for every vendor, while Ted tapped into his inner attorney and negotiated. When it all became too much, we watched Westworld or our favorite movies to leave the stress behind for a little while.

No matter if it rains on our wedding day or things don’t go quite as planned, we are building a life full of love and joy—and that will last forever.

How did you hear about Joy?

Ted found Joy while trying and failing to make our website on the Knot. He loved the idea of downloading an app and guests sharing pictures from the beginning!


What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

Writing the bridal party descriptions and seeing the creative guest responses.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Be quirky and add fun details. Guests want to know more about you, so take the time to write your love story and do the Q&A questions.

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Emily loves the quote “I want a marriage more beautiful than my wedding.” The day passes by so quickly for a couple that it is almost impossible to drink it all in. We’ve realized that the process of wedding planning is getting us ready for marriage, building the foundation of teamwork and communication that is so different from dating. No matter if it rains on our wedding day or things don’t go quite as planned, we are building a life full of love and joy—and that will last forever.

Ted and Em Old Rag

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