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Joy Proposal Story: Hannah & Nate

by Kelsey Vickers

How did the two of you meet?

We met our sophomore year of high school at our church youth group. We were friends throughout high school, I even dated one of his friends! We didn’t officially start dating until after high school. I came home from living in South Africa and he came back from school in Nashville at the same time. We became good friends, I even tried to convince him to date a friend of mine but I ended up having a huge crush on him. Luckily he did too and that was that!

Chris Baker

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

Nate planned a weekend getaway for my birthday with our best friends in Sebastopol, CA. I’m usually the planner in our relationship, so I was a little nervous about what the weekend had in store. In the back of mind I thought he might propose, but little things he kept saying convinced me otherwise. On August 25th, we wanted to go to the coast to Bodega Bay. Before we left I was looking for my deodorant in his backpack, and found a ring box! (Oops!) I wanted to jump and cry but had to keep my chill. He didn’t bring his bag, so I was sure it was going to happen the following day. The whole drive, I was dreaming about tomorrow. They had me tricked the whole ride, everyone was being super weird. Our friend even got us “lost” but really was detouring us so we would get the perfect lighting. We got to the beach and Nate was acting a little weird. We were taking photos of our friends and they asked us if we wanted a photo. Still totally oblivious, I smiled for the photo and the next thing I knew he was proposing! It was the sweetest and dreamiest moment of my life, so perfect! We got back home where I was surprised more with an engagement party with our families and friends. It was everything I dreamed of, he did a perfect job!

Chris Baker

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Trying the cake! Honestly, I would say preparing for our marriage. It has been a really special time of just getting our future home and hearts ready for the rest of our lives together!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Nate Miller. This whole experience has shown me that Nate is the guy for me. He has been my calm. He reminds me that it’s really only us that will matter, not what the centerpiece or the favors are.

Chris Baker

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

The website is so easy and fun to use. We loved creating it together and all the fun details it has. They make the RSVP’s such an easy process!

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Ask questions!

Chris Baker

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

What’s important to us is what our marriage is centered on. Being imperfect humans, we know there will be challenges. We believe that building our marriage on the foundation of who Jesus is, will bring us ultimate joy.

Chris Baker

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