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Joy Proposal Story: Jonathan & Amanda

by Cali Pitchel

Amanda is a pastor, and she was preaching a sermon at Jon’s church. Afterward, Jon invited her to join a bunch of people who usually go out for lunch. She was not impressed when Jon brought his Bible into the restaurant to grill her on things that she had (and hadn’t) said in her sermon! But in spite of Jon’s questioning, Amanda was intrigued. That conversation was the first of many—and the beginning of something special.


Give us the details! When? Where? How?

Well, there’s a lot in our story that isn’t typical. Jon is an organic dairy farmer and in addition to being a pastor, I also help my dad farm in the spring and the fall. So during those seasons, Jon and I have to try really hard to see each other sometimes. The night he proposed was one such evening.

I think joy is a lot deeper than “happiness” or than a one-day wedding celebration! Joy is something that you cultivate, that you tend to, that grows.

I was driving the tractor for my dad during harvest when Jon called and wanted to go out for dinner. He suggested we get all dressed up for a fancy meal. I was sitting on a dirty tractor seat, where I knew I’d be for the next few hours, plus I’d have to go 1/2 an hour home to get cleaned up–and the nearest “fancy” restaurant is 45 minutes away (from my house). I was uncooperative and declined the opportunity for a night out on the town.

Soon, Jon called back and asked if he could just come visit me that evening. I grumbled around a little, but said that would be fine. Later that evening Jon arrived on my doorstep with a homemade (by his mom) meal packed in a basket. We hopped in the truck and went to eat at a picnic shelter in the park. I thought it was ‘curious’ when he insisted on locking the truck doors, even though the park was deserted, but I didn’t say anything. After we ate, he ran to the truck and came back with the ring.

Version 2

There was no kneeling, and I thought afterward, I’m not sure he even actually asked!?! (But he did in fact give me a ring and I said yes.)

Soon, a giant thunderstorm came up and we sat for awhile in the picnic shelter and watched the rain and the lightening. (Storms are my favorite and it was so romantic!) Then we went back to my house and I gave him his engagement ring (he wanted a ring to wear too!). I learned later that my ring had come to his house in the mail the day before and it was burning a hole in his pocket. He proposed just as soon as he could after the ring arrived!

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

Honestly, I thought planning our wedding would be more fun than it has been so far! I know I’m not supposed to say that, but it’s true! I think the most fun part has been trying to decide what of the more “traditional” elements we want to keep–and what we want to get rid of in order to make our wedding more uniquely “us” (and hopefully more fun!).

I hope…that our lives would be filled with joy—that we’d be able to find the good in one another and in our world each day—and that we’d be able to pass that joy on to the people we encounter.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Yeah. That’s a good question. Our wedding will have several DIYs—and one of the ways I’m staying sane is by trying to tackle some of those things now, even though our wedding isn’t until September. It’s sort of therapeutic to do some of these DIYs now, and to get them done so far ahead. It’s going to be a pretty big wedding, so there is lots to do!


What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

I like how streamlined things look—so many of the other websites I looked into were, by design, more sappy and sweet. That’s not necessarily us. So Joy feels like something we can make ours, more so than some of the cookie-cutter websites. Also, we like our engagement photos, so it’s nice to have a place in Joy to let them shine.


What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

I don’t know! I’m still trying to figure out how to us Joy to it’s fullest potential! I’m looking forward to some of the guest list changes that are coming this spring!

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

The last couple years, “joy” has been my word. I like the word “joy” a lot better than the word “happy” or even “happily-ever-after.” I think joy is a lot deeper than “happiness” or than a one-day wedding celebration! Joy is something that you cultivate, that you tend to, that grows. Life isn’t always going to be “happy” or exciting or easy—but it can be joy-filled. Joy is about finding contentment and companionship—about finding the good in each day or each season or each year.

I have this giant poster that says “there is good in every season.” and that’s how I want to live!


You’re probably not supposed to say it as you are preparing for a wedding, but in real-life Jon and I are not and will not always be on the same page. And our lives together will not always be easy. But I hope, my goal is, that our lives would be filled with joy—that we’d be able to find the good in one another and in our world each day—and that we’d be able to pass that joy on to the people we encounter.

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