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Joy Proposal Story: Megan & Vladimir

by Kelsey Vickers

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

He set up an entire day of activities! My day started with brunch with former and current roommates. At the end, I was handed a letter that explained that he had a day of things for me do and people to see. My second location was with a co-worker, she took me to a spa where we floated in our own salt baths. Each station had a surprise element and a letter to go with, so I never knew what was coming next! I was then lead to another restaurant where I soon found out that he had flown my best friend in to surprise me. We had a snack, chatted, and then we were off to get our hair done! She drove me to a spot in Oklahoma City where there’s a tiny little peninsula on Lake Hefner. I could see him out by the lighthouse waiting, but of course, I had one more stop to make.

Chris Baker

There was a tablet sitting on a stool with flowers with two letters to read. He had gotten my family and friends to make a video for me. They spoke encouragement, love, and kind word about what I meant to them. I was then sent on my way to meet him. I walked the mini walk which felt like a mile, we hugged for quite some time, he got down on his knee and then forgot to say the four magic words. He eventually got it out and that was that!

Chris Baker

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

I love the organization. There’s something so satisfying about seeing all the tabs, lists, pictures etc. all lined up in my google doc! I like to budget. Putting things together and making the puzzle fit has been fun!

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

Honestly, I haven’t lost my mind yet. I find the process to be really entertaining. Sure, I’ve had a couple of sleepless nights just because my brain refuses to turn off, but I refuse to stress about one day! I’d rather spend more of my time and energy preparing for our marriage and life together.

Chris Baker

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

It’s been so easy! I love the look of the website and everything so far has been seamless to use.

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

I would say explore and keep exploring. You might as well click every button and type all you want or you’ll never know what you’re missing!

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

Your wedding day is a great opportunity for everyone you both love to come together, potentially meeting for the first and only time.  The joy that lasts forever comes from the Lord. I believe whole heartily that we will have joy and happiness on our wedding day, but joy is deeper than just a feeling. The days after might be hard and without the peace and joy the Lord promises to give us, I think running on just a fleeting feeling is temporary!

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