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Joy Proposal Story: Meghan & Chris

by Kelsey Vickers
Joy Proposal Story: Meghan & Chris

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

Chris always knew he would propose to Meghan at the gazebo in SUNY Geneseo, the college where they met. Chris and Meghan had spent some of their favorite memories at Geneseo together in the gazebo such as watching the famous sunset over the valley, or one of Meghan’s favorite memories of watching a lightning storm in between studying for finals. Hence, the gazebo was the perfect place for them to get engaged! Chris enlisted the help of Meghan’s friend Kaelyn and her fiance Mike to get Meghan to Geneseo two days after Christmas without her suspecting anything. Meghan was so excited about being there again that she didn’t even suspect anything was going to happen. The two couples had lunch in town and then decided to walk around campus like the good ole’ days. Kaelyn and Chris lead us around campus but stayed strictly away from the center of campus where the gazebo was. Once it got dark, Chris’ plan was to lead Meghan down to the gazebo, but their was a slight glitch. Just as the two couples were about to turn towards the gazebo, Meghan spotted another couple that had just gotten engaged and didn’t have anyone to take their picture. Meghan was so excited for them and asked if they wanted her to take their picture while asking them where they got engaged. They had said the gazebo and that it was all decorated. When Chris heard them say this, he was devastated. He had decorated the gazebo for Meghan, for their proposal!

Luckily for him, Meghan was so excited for the newly engaged couple that she didn’t even notice what they had said. After wishing the newly engaged couple well, Chris, Meghan, Kaelyn, and Mike went to the science building to regroup. Chris was shaken by the thought that Meghan would know something or that his surprise was ruined, but there was no turning back now. We decided the gazebo would be our last stop for the night. We walked down the hill towards the gazebo and the first thing Meghan noticed was that the entire gazebo was lit up in Christmas lights. She got very excited and said, “Wow, Geneseo decorated for Christmas this year! They never did that when we were here!”

Now, Chris knew that his surprise was not actually ruined. Meghan then noticed that Kaelyn and Mike had disappeared. This was when she started to suspect something was up, but thought maybe they just wanted their alone time. Chris and Meghan talked for a short time in the gazebo about the memories they had had in Geneseo and how it holds a special place in their hearts. Chris said we were going to take a selfie, so Meghan took her gloves off to get her phone out. In that moment, Chris had his chance (Meghan never takes off her gloves!) He moved her to the center of the gazebo, got down on one knee and asked her to spend the rest of her life with him. In the twinkling of the Christmas lights in the gazebo, Meghan said, “Yes!” That is when Meghan noticed Chris’ brother Brandon and friend Tawa jumping out of the surrounding bushes snapping photographs and videos. Kaelyn and Mike rejoined them as the group celebrated the newly engaged couple in the gazebo. To get out of the cold, we all went to the Idle Hour, a college bar that we had spent many nights in Geneseo at to celebrate and call our parents. After celebrating with our friends, Meghan and Chris celebrated at the Big Tree Inn for a romantic dinner where Chris told Meghan all about how he had put the Christmas lights up with Brandon and Tawa the previous day and how he had created the most amazing proposal over the past seven months. For Chris and Meghan, it was the most perfect night, in the most perfect town, with the most perfect people.

What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

My favorite experience planning our wedding has been venue hunting. Seeing all the beautiful places made our choice difficult but we narrowed it down to the Fox Hollow for its rustic charm and traditional setting.

How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

I stay sane under the pressure of wedding planning by talking things out with my mom and sisters. They have been lifesavers and remind me to not be a bridezilla!

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

I love the look of Joy and how the website is different from other types I have seen. My favorite part of Joy is the countdown to our wedding feature! It will eventually turn into a timer for how long we have been married after our wedding!

What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

I would tell couples using Joy to make sure they take advantage of every feature, including the wedding app!

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

We’re not only planning a wedding, we’re planning a life with our partner. What’s most important to us is what happens after the wedding day!

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