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Joy Proposal Story: Stephanie & Cameron

by Cali Pitchel

Give us the proposal details! When? Where? How?

Cameron Proposed to me October 29th. We had discussed marriage because we both knew, and so did every one around us, although, he still managed to completely surprise me! His sister Roxanne and I planned to get together at a local corn maze. My coworker, Kim, who set us up, was also there with her husband. We headed out to the corn maze at dusk to “look for clues ” since it was a mystery maze. I remember him grabbing my hand and leading the way and thinking, “Man, he really wants to get these clues!” It was a beautiful warm day for October and the sun was starting to set.

It is an amazing feeling seeing your entire future with someone so amazing….

As we turned a corner I saw my name carved out in pumpkins lit up and covered in flowers. There was a card addressed to me, I remember I could barely read it! When I turned around Cameron was behind me on one knee. He proposed and I couldn’t wait to say yes! I remember feeling like I was on cloud 9 for days afterwards! We celebrated at dinner with the lovely people who set us up, and then at a halloween party that night that our friend was hosting. I will never forget waking up the following morning to my fiancé and seeing that beautiful sparkly ring on my finger, I couldn’t stop smiling. It is an amazing feeling seeing your entire future with someone so amazing and feeling so lucky for that one date.


What has been your favorite experience planning the wedding?

My favorite part was venue searching since we did this together. One particular venue was in the country away from town. During the 45 minute drive home there was this amazing sunset. Sometimes the simplest moments are the ones to really cherish. <3 I cannot wait to see what kind of sunset we will get on our wedding night.


How do you stay sane under the pressures of wedding planning?

I have enjoyed almost every minute of wedding planning! I started planning early and we are trying hard to stay within budget to cut down on stress.

What is your favorite part of using Joy for your wedding?

I love the graphics and the ability to really personalize everything! We both love the convenience of sharing information with every guest in one spot, especially since we will have a lot of family coming in from out of town. It has allowed us to share important information, such as our hotel block 6 months in advance, so we would still be able to send formal invitations closer to the wedding.



What piece of advice would you give couples to ensure that they use Joy to its fullest potential?

Advice I would give is to both be a part of the customization of Joy, so both of your personalities show through. Also, the section to add your “story” and “tidbits” is a favorite of ours since all of your guests can really understand the story behind the magic!

At Joy we believe that even though a wedding lasts a day, joy lasts forever. What does that mean to you?

That means a lot to both of us. Pictures are a huge part of our lives since they last forever! We are so excited to see what pictures are shared through the app on our wedding day.


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